Meet Who's Behind La Basketry: Part 2


After meeting Mamy in Part 1, meet Tabara in this week's feature on who's behind La Basketry... 

1. Who are you?

I'm Tabara - I'm the other half of La Basketry. I've been living in London for 10 years and working as an events manager. 

2. What's your role within the business?

Sales and marketing - I work on everything from getting our baskets into lovely stores and organising events and trade shows to managing the website and our social media pages. 

3. Favourite basket?

The Prism Turquoise designs are my favourite - I love the yellow and turquoise but I want to do them in every colour - pink, green, black, purple... watch this space! ⠀

4. Favourite moment since you've launched the business? ⠀
Getting a notification on my phone for our first official order which was from my friend Jen - thank you Jen! ⠀

5. Favourite place in Senegal?
My grandma’s courtyard surrounded by family, the mango trees and drinking 'bissap' (a refreshing hibiscus drink). 

If you missed Part 1 with Mamy, click here to have a read.